Drop what you are doing right now, friends…
I'd like you to pause and think back to a time when someone took a moment to appreciate YOU.
Perhaps it was a boss praising you for a job well done on a project you worked really hard on...
Or a friend sharing how grateful they are for having met you so many years ago...
Or a perfect stranger thanking you for holding the door for them...
Now, think about how it made you FEEL.
I'm guessing something like a bird-soaring-above-the-clouds kind of good, right?
Now think about a time when YOU showed appreciation to someone in your life.
Maybe you told the person working the drive-thru lane that they are doing a great job…
Or you recognized your child for working hard in school...
Or you thanked your spouse for being a great partner in this life you share together...
Receiving and showing appreciation feels SO good…
It costs us nothing and takes very little effort. The ROI is so high for both the giver AND the receiver.
One small act of kindness and gratitude can truly change the trajectory of our lives.
I can recall when I was going through a challenging time at work many years ago. I was feeling overwhelmed and unsure of myself, and my boss, having picked up on my struggles, pulled me aside for a heart-to-heart.
He thanked me for all the hard work and long hours I had been putting in. He said my dedication and efforts were making a difference, and that I was a valued member of the team.
That literal and figurative ‘pat on the back’ provided so much more than just a boost in my self-confidence. It gave me clarity, validation, and motivation to move forward and to not give up on myself.
With that my friends, in the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I leave you with a challenge...
Tell someone TODAY that you appreciate them and that they matter.
“I am grateful for you.”
“You are doing a good job.”
“Thank you."
Simple yet powerful words that I guarantee will make a difference in their day AND yours.
Words to motivate:
"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."
— Michael Altshuler
If you like what you’re reading here, would you please share this publication with someone today? I APPRECIATE your support, friends!
Showing and receiving gratitude is a difference maker. It is uplifting (to both the giver and receiver), it costs nothing, and it takes very little time or effort to do. It's a practice I try to engage in often and it always leaves me feeling better and more fulfilled.
Showing thanks uplifts everyone, a free act that betters lives if we make time for it. Thanks for this.